Love High Podcast
from how to heal a heart break to love high
From a young age I have been OBSESSED with romance, love and relationships. I’ve always had my life's goals revolve around meeting my prince charming. Recently, since turning 30 and realising that my life has taken a few different turns and relationships haven’t ended up how I thought they would, I’m questioning my relationship with love and why I want it so so bad. I’ve been in the relationship where I thought I’d be there forever, kids, marriage etc. I’ve been in a completely different relationship where I sat opposite commitment issues. How can some of us want it so badly, and others push it away? I put so much pressure on myself to get my happiness from love, sex and partnership, what about getting happiness from my relationship to myself?
In this podcast I’m going to explore our relationship with love, why from a young age we’ve been led to believe we need another person to be whole, why so many people are facing commitment issues with modern dating, what a healthy relationship is and how do we find ourselves within a world obsessed with LOVE.